Monday, February 17, 2020

Episode 3 - Snapchat and Other Things...

Kyle and Jim get back together after a couple weeks off as Jim recovers from an illness that spread through the family.  Kyle on the otherhand was booked solid with studying and work that the time off worked pretty well.

On today's show, we talk about being sick, using sick days, the Oscars and then into our main discussion today which is the use of SnapChat and how it is used and how it is perceived.


Monday, January 27, 2020

Episode 2 - Media and More Stuff

So episode 2 started off strong and then Kyle and I talked about social media, media, good decisions and a lot more! Enjoy the conversation, we are still working on it and enjoy having the time to talk!  We hope you like to listen!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Welcome to the Show...Episode 1

This is our intro show...

Introducing Jim Meta, he's the teacher of the show, working as a technology and media production teacher at Hyatts Middle School.


Kyle Dezse who was Jim's 8th grade student like 11 years ago.  He is currently in medical school at the Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine or KyCom at the University of Pikeville.